
Regular product

Heading 1

Heading 1

Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
Heading 2

Heading 2

Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.

Everything in heading 1 is included

Heading 3

Heading 3

Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.

Everything in heading 2 is included

<div class="o-grid">
    <div class="o-grid-4@md">
            <!-- product.blade.php -->
<div class="c-product" id="67b78018e3b3c" data-uid="67b78018e3b4d">
        <!-- card.blade.php -->
<div class="c-card c-card--ratio-16-9" data-uid="67b78018e3e8f">
        <div class="c-card__image c-card__image--primary c-product__image-container">
    <img class="c-product__image c-product__image--primary" src="/assets/img/component.svg" alt="Heading 1" />
        <div class="c-card__header c-product__header">
        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-product__heading c-product__heading--primary c-typography__variant--h3" data-uid="67b78018e3bfe">
    Heading 1
</h2>        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: p -->
<p class="c-typography c-product__label c-typography__variant--p" data-uid="67b78018e3c4d">
    Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.
</p></div>        <div class="c-card__body c-product__body">
                    <!-- listing.blade.php -->
    <ul class="c-listing c-product__listing c-product__listing--primary" data-uid="67b78018e3cbf">

                                                <li class="c-listing__item c-listing__item-0">
                                                <span class="c-listing__label">
                                                <li class="c-listing__item c-listing__item-1">
                                                <span class="c-listing__label">
        </div>        <div class="c-card__footer c-product__footer">
                <div class="c-product__prices has-button">
    <div class="c-product__price c-product__price--primary">
            <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__amount c-typography__variant--marketing" data-uid="67b78018e3d56">
</span>                        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__currency c-typography__variant--marketing" data-uid="67b78018e3d86">
</span>                                <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__frequency c-typography__variant--subtitle" data-uid="67b78018e3db3">
    <span class="c-product__seperator">/</span>
</span>            </div>
                <a class="c-button c-product__button c-button__filled c-button__filled--primary c-button--md" target="_top" type="filled" href="#" aria-label="Buy" data-uid="67b78018e3e29">   
     <span class="c-button__label">                 
                    <span class="c-button__label-text ">
    </span> </a>
    <div class="o-grid-4@md">
            <!-- product.blade.php -->
<div class="c-product" id="67b78018e3ed5" data-uid="67b78018e3edb">
        <!-- card.blade.php -->
<div class="c-card c-card--ratio-16-9" data-uid="67b78018e4256">
        <div class="c-card__image c-card__image--secondary c-product__image-container">
    <img class="c-product__image c-product__image--secondary" src="/assets/img/component.svg" alt="Heading 2" />
        <div class="c-card__header c-product__header">
        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-product__heading c-product__heading--secondary c-typography__variant--h3" data-uid="67b78018e3f45">
    Heading 2
</h2>        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: p -->
<p class="c-typography c-product__label c-typography__variant--p" data-uid="67b78018e3f75">
    Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.
</p></div>        <div class="c-card__body c-product__body">
                <!-- typography.blade.php   original: p -->
<p class="c-typography c-product__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b78018e3fbc">
    Everything in heading 1 is included
</p>                    <!-- listing.blade.php -->
    <ul class="c-listing c-product__listing c-product__listing--secondary" data-uid="67b78018e3fe4">

                                                <li class="c-listing__item c-listing__item-0">
                        <a class="c-listing__link" href="#" aria-label="Lorem">
                                                        <span class="c-listing__label">
                                                                <!-- icon.blade.php -->
    <span class="c-icon c-icon--chevron-right c-icon--material c-icon--material-chevron_right material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined  c-icon--size-md" material-symbol="chevron_right" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67b78018e40f4">
                                                <li class="c-listing__item c-listing__item-1">
                                                <span class="c-listing__label">
        </div>        <div class="c-card__footer c-product__footer">
                <div class="c-product__prices has-button">
    <div class="c-product__price c-product__price--secondary">
            <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__amount c-typography__variant--marketing" data-uid="67b78018e4181">
</span>                        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__currency c-typography__variant--marketing" data-uid="67b78018e41ae">
</span>                                <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__frequency c-typography__variant--subtitle" data-uid="67b78018e41d7">
    <span class="c-product__seperator">/</span>
</span>            </div>
                <a class="c-button c-product__button c-button__filled c-button__filled--secondary c-button--md" target="_top" type="filled" href="#" aria-label="Buy" data-uid="67b78018e421c">   
     <span class="c-button__label">                 
                    <span class="c-button__label-text ">
    </span> </a>
     <div class="o-grid-4@md">
            <!-- product.blade.php -->
<div class="c-product" id="67b78018e4286" data-uid="67b78018e428b">
        <!-- card.blade.php -->
<div class="c-card c-card--ratio-16-9" data-uid="67b78018e44d0">
        <div class="c-card__image c-card__image--custom c-product__image-container">
    <img class="c-product__image c-product__image--custom" src="/assets/img/component.svg" alt="Heading 3" />
        <div class="c-card__header c-product__header">
        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-product__heading c-product__heading--custom c-typography__variant--h3" data-uid="67b78018e42d6">
    Heading 3
</h2>        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: p -->
<p class="c-typography c-product__label c-typography__variant--p" data-uid="67b78018e4301">
    Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.
</p></div>        <div class="c-card__body c-product__body">
                <!-- typography.blade.php   original: p -->
<p class="c-typography c-product__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b78018e4339">
    Everything in heading 2 is included
</p>                    <!-- listing.blade.php -->
    <ul class="c-listing c-product__listing c-product__listing--custom" data-uid="67b78018e4361">

                                                <li class="c-listing__item c-listing__item-0">
                        <a class="c-listing__link" href="#" aria-label="Lorem">
                                                        <span class="c-listing__label">
                                                                <!-- icon.blade.php -->
    <span class="c-icon c-icon--chevron-right c-icon--material c-icon--material-chevron_right material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined  c-icon--size-md" material-symbol="chevron_right" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67b78018e4396">
                                                <li class="c-listing__item c-listing__item-1">
                                                <span class="c-listing__label">
        </div>        <div class="c-card__footer c-product__footer">
                <div class="c-product__prices has-button">
    <div class="c-product__price c-product__price--custom">
            <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__amount c-typography__variant--marketing" data-uid="67b78018e440d">
</span>                        <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__currency c-typography__variant--marketing" data-uid="67b78018e4436">
</span>                                <!-- typography.blade.php   original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-product__frequency c-typography__variant--subtitle" data-uid="67b78018e445d">
    <span class="c-product__seperator">/</span>
</span>            </div>
                <a class="c-button c-product__button c-button__filled c-button__filled--custom c-button--md" target="_top" type="filled" href="#" aria-label="Buy" data-uid="67b78018e449b">   
     <span class="c-button__label">                 
                    <span class="c-button__label-text ">
    </span> </a>
<div class="o-grid">
    <div class="o-grid-4@md">
            'heading' => 'Heading 1',
            'label' => 'Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.',
            'image' => [
                'src' => '/assets/img/component.svg',
                'alt' => 'ALT', 
                'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
                'padded' => true
            'prices' => [
                ['amount' => '249', 'currency' => ':-', 'frequency' => 'mon']
            'bulletPoints' => [
                ['label' => 'Lorem'],
                ['label' => 'Ipsum']
            'button' => ['type' => 'filled', 'text' => 'Buy', 'href' => '#']
    <div class="o-grid-4@md">
            'heading' => 'Heading 2',
            'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
            'label' => 'Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.',
            'image' => [
                'src' => '/assets/img/component.svg',
                'alt' => 'ALT', 
                'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
                'padded' => true
            'meta' => 'Everything in heading 1 is included',
            'prices' => [
                ['amount' => '349', 'currency' => ':-', 'frequency' => 'mon']
            'bulletPoints' => [
                ['label' => 'Lorem', 'href' => '#'],
                ['label' => 'Ipsum']
            'button' => ['type' => 'filled', 'text' => 'Buy', 'href' => '#']
     <div class="o-grid-4@md">
            'heading' => 'Heading 3',
            'backgroundColor' => 'custom',
            'label' => 'Atoms are the fundemental building blocks. They are rarely used just by them self but mostly used to build more advanced components.',
            'image' => [
                'src' => '/assets/img/component.svg',
                'alt' => 'ALT', 
                'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
                'padded' => true
            'meta' => 'Everything in heading 2 is included',
            'prices' => [
                ['amount' => '349', 'currency' => ':-', 'frequency' => 'mon']
            'bulletPoints' => [
                ['label' => 'Lorem', 'href' => '#'],
                ['label' => 'Ipsum']
            'button' => ['type' => 'filled', 'text' => 'Buy', 'href' => '#']

Blade component parameters

Key Default value Type Available values Description
heading string - Product name
backgroundColor primary string - Background color to use
image false boolean - An image object
prices [] array - Array of price objects
currencyFirst false boolean - Should currency be displayed before the price
label string - Label describing the product
meta string - Extra text displayed above bullet points
bulletPoints [] array - Array of bullet points for the product
button [] array - The button to display at the bottom
featured false boolean - Is the product featured? Make the product stand out from the rest
id string - The DOM id of the component.
classList [] array - Array containing wrapping classes array
attributeList [] array - Array containing keys and values rendered as attributes
containerAware false boolean true/false Makes the component container aware. Appends modifiers --size--xs/sm/md/lg to the component.
Settings location: /var/www/webroot/ROOT/vendor/helsingborg-stad/component-library/source/php/Component/Product/product.json