We use the official material-icons npm-package.
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--apps c-icon--material c-icon--material-apps material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--size-md" material-symbol="apps" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fb02">
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--apps c-icon--material c-icon--material-apps material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--size-lg" material-symbol="apps" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fb5f">
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--apps c-icon--material c-icon--material-apps material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--size-xxl" material-symbol="apps" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fb9c">
@icon(['icon' => 'apps', 'size' => 'md'])
@icon(['icon' => 'apps', 'size' => 'lg'])
@icon(['icon' => 'apps', 'size' => 'xxl'])
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--apps c-icon--material c-icon--material-apps material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--color-primary c-icon--size-lg" material-symbol="apps" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fc0f">
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--apps c-icon--material c-icon--material-apps material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--color-secondary c-icon--size-lg" material-symbol="apps" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fc47">
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--apps c-icon--material c-icon--material-apps material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--color-default c-icon--size-lg" material-symbol="apps" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fc7c">
@icon(['icon' => 'apps', 'size' => 'lg','color' => 'primary'])
@icon(['icon' => 'apps', 'size' => 'lg', 'color' => 'secondary'])
@icon(['icon' => 'apps', 'size' => 'lg','color' => 'default'])
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--close c-icon--material c-icon--material-close material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--size-lg" material-symbol="close" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fce5">
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--more-vert c-icon--material c-icon--material-more_vert material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--size-lg" material-symbol="more_vert" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fd26">
<!-- icon.blade.php -->
<span class="c-icon c-icon--apps c-icon--material c-icon--material-apps material-symbols material-symbols-rounded material-symbols-sharp material-symbols-outlined c-icon--size-lg" material-symbol="apps" role="img" data-nosnippet="" translate="no" aria-label="Icon: Undefined" alt="Icon: Undefined" aria-hidden="false" data-uid="67cd02142fd51">
@icon(['icon' => 'close', 'size' => 'lg'])
Icon label will be deprecated
@icon(['icon' => 'more_vert', 'size' => 'lg'])
Icon label will be deprecated
@icon(['icon' => 'apps', 'size' => 'lg'])
Icon label will be deprecated
Blade component parameters
Key | Default value | Type | Available values | Description |
size | inherit | string | - | Sizes: xs, sm, md, lg, xl, xxl |
label | string | - | A label on the icon | |
icon | string | - | The icon name or a url to a svg file | |
color | string | - | The color of the icon | |
customColor | string | - | A custom HEX color | |
componentElement | span | string | - | Icon HTML tag |
filled | NULL | - | If the icons should be filled or not | |
decorative | false | boolean | - | If the icon is decorative only or serves a purpose. |
backgroundColor | false | boolean | - | A hex color for the background or false if not defined |
id | string | - | The DOM id of the component. | |
classList | [] | array | - | Array containing wrapping classes array |
attributeList | [] | array | - | Array containing keys and values rendered as attributes |
containerAware | false | boolean | true/false | Makes the component container aware. Appends modifiers --size--xs/sm/md/lg to the component. |