

Variant h1

<!-- typography.blade.php   original: p -->
<p class="c-typography c-typography__variant--h1" data-uid="67b781668e289">
    Variant h1
    "variant" => "h1"
    Variant h1


Element h1

<!-- typography.blade.php  (hasSeenH1)  original: h1 -->
<h1 class="c-typography c-typography__variant--h1" data-uid="67b781668e4f6">
    Element h1
    "element" => "h1",
    Element h1

Blade component parameters

Key Default value Type Available values Description
element p string - What element the markup will use.
variant false boolean - Headings (h1, h2...) can only be set to other headings. If left empty it will default to the given element.
slot string - The content
autopromote false boolean - Upgrade element to h1 (from h3 and above), if seen first on page.
useHeadingsContext true boolean - If a heading should be based off of the context its in.
id string - The DOM id of the component.
classList [] array - Array containing wrapping classes array
attributeList [] array - Array containing keys and values rendered as attributes
containerAware false boolean true/false Makes the component container aware. Appends modifiers --size--xs/sm/md/lg to the component.
Settings location: /var/www/webroot/ROOT/vendor/helsingborg-stad/component-library/source/php/Component/Typography/typography.json