Blocks are surfaces that display content and actions on a single topic.
They should be easy to scan for relevant and actionable information. Elements, like text and images,
should be placed on them in a way that clearly indicates hierarchy.
Block ratio 12:16
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus
Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
<div class="o-grid">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<a class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" href="#" data-uid="67b77f137ba55">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137bac6">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137bb78">
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137bc08">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137bbb3">
Nibh Dolor Bibendum Vehicula Amet
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137bc53">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137bc82">
/> </figure>
<!-- datebadge.blade.php -->
<div class="c-datebadge u-margin--3 u-absolute--top-left@sm u-absolute--top-left@md u-absolute--top-left@lg u-absolute--top-left@xl c-datebadge--md" data-uid="67b77f137bd1d">
<div class="c-datebadge__daymonth">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-datebadge__date c-typography__variant--h1" data-uid="67b77f137bd54">
</span> <!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-datebadge__month c-typography__variant--h4" data-uid="67b77f137bd81">
</span> </div>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137bdae">
Malesuada Parturient Dolor
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137be02">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137bdd8">
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137be3a">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137be66">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<time class="2025-02-20T19:14:00 c-date c-block__date" data-uid="67b77f137befd">Thu 20 Feb 2025 </time>
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137bf33">
Porta Ultricies
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137bf8a">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137bf60">
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137bfbf">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137bff1">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137c050">
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137c0a3">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137c07b">
Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137c0d6">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137c100">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137c15b">
Ornare Malesuada
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137c1ad">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137c185">
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
<div class="o-grid">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Nibh Dolor Bibendum Vehicula Amet',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Ultricies',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
'link' => '#',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Malesuada Parturient Dolor',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i"),
'dateBadge' => true
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Porta Ultricies',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i")
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Nibh',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Ornare Malesuada',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
Block ratio 4:3
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo
Justo Elit Tortor
Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla
<div class="o-grid">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<a class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" href="#" data-uid="67b77f137c438">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137c468">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137c4c8">
Etiam Tristique Magna Nullam
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137c533">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137c4f4">
Justo Nibh Condimentum
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137c573">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137c59e">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137c5f8">
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137c64a">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137c622">
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137c67b">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137c6a6">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137c701">
Porta Risus Venenatis
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137c752">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137c72a">
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137c783">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137c7ad">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137c811">
Adipiscing Fusce
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137c87a">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137c84f">
Justo Elit Tortor
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137c8af">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137c8db">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137c939">
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137c996">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137c96f">
Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla
<div class="o-grid">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Justo Nibh Condimentum',
'meta' => 'Etiam Tristique Magna Nullam',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
'link' => '#',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue',
'meta' => 'Ultricies',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo',
'meta' => 'Porta Risus Venenatis',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Justo Elit Tortor',
'meta' => 'Adipiscing Fusce',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla',
'meta' => 'Euismod',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
Block ratio 4:3, without spacing between blocks
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna
Pharetra Etiam
<div class="o-grid o-grid--no-gutter">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3 o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<a class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" href="#" data-uid="67b77f137cc03">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137cc32">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137cc90">
Parturient Ultricies
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137cce4">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137ccbc">
Purus Tellus
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137cd16">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137cd40">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137cd99">
Nibh Sit
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137cde9">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137cdc2">
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137ce19">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137ce43">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137ce9c">
Commodo Fringilla
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137ceed">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137cec6">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137cf1e">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137cf48">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137cfa8">
Ullamcorper Euismod Pharetra
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137cff8">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137cfd1">
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-4-3" data-uid="67b77f137d029">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<figure class="c-image c-block__image c-image--cover" data-a11y-error="Alt text is missing" data-uid="67b77f137d053">
/> </figure>
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137d0ab">
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137d0fe">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137d0d4">
Pharetra Etiam
<div class="o-grid o-grid--no-gutter">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3 o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Purus Tellus',
'meta' => 'Parturient Ultricies',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
'link' => '#',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus',
'meta' => 'Nibh Sit',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit',
'meta' => 'Commodo Fringilla',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna',
'meta' => 'Ullamcorper Euismod Pharetra',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Pharetra Etiam',
'meta' => 'Amet',
'image' => [
'src' => '',
'alt' => 'ALT',
'backgroundColor' => 'secondary',
Block without a image
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus
Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
<div class="o-grid">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<a class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" href="#" data-uid="67b77f137d354">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137d3d2">
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137d426">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137d3fe">
Nibh Dolor Bibendum Vehicula Amet
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137d458">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137d4ae">
Malesuada Parturient Dolor
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137d4fe">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137d4d7">
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137d530">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block__body">
<div class="c-tags c-block__meta" id="67b77f137d5ba" data-uid="67b77f137d5ba">
<span class="c-tags__tag ">
No label
<span class="c-tags__tag ">
No label
<span class="c-tags__tag ">
No label
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137d62e">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137d603">
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137d661">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137d6b8">
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137d720">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137d6f6">
Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
<!-- block.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block c-block--ratio-12-16" data-uid="67b77f137d753">
<!-- image.blade.php -->
<div class="c-block__body">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: span -->
<span class="c-typography c-block__meta c-typography__variant--meta" data-uid="67b77f137d7b5">
Ornare Malesuada
<!-- group.blade.php -->
<div class="c-group c-group--horizontal c-group--justify-content-space-between c-group--align-items-start" data-uid="67b77f137d80a">
<!-- typography.blade.php original: h2 -->
<h2 class="c-typography c-block__heading c-typography__variant--h2" data-uid="67b77f137d7e1">
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
<div class="o-grid">
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Nibh Dolor Bibendum Vehicula Amet',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Ultricies',
'link' => '#'
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Malesuada Parturient Dolor',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => ['Porta Ultricies', 'Malesuada Parturient Dolor', 'Ultricies'],
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Nibh',
<div class="o-grid-12@xs o-grid-6@sm o-grid-4@md o-grid-3@lg o-grid-3@xl">
'heading' => 'Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor',
'ratio' => '12:16',
'meta' => 'Ornare Malesuada',
Blade component parameters
Key | Default value | Type | Available values | Description |
heading | string | - | The heading of the block | |
content | string | - | Short text to describe target content. | |
meta | string | - | String or array of strings containing the meta information | |
secondaryMeta | string | - | String or array of strings containing the secondary meta information | |
image | false | boolean | - | Array of image attributes, src, alt, backgroudColor. |
link | string | - | Simple href link | |
ratio | 4:3 | string | - | Ratio of the block |
date | string | - | Preformatted date | |
dateBadge | false | boolean | - | Display date as a badge. |
icon | false | boolean | - | An array with the same specification as the icon component |
id | string | - | The DOM id of the component. | |
classList | [] | array | - | Array containing wrapping classes array |
attributeList | [] | array | - | Array containing keys and values rendered as attributes |
containerAware | false | boolean | true/false | Makes the component container aware. Appends modifiers --size--xs/sm/md/lg to the component. |