

<a class="c-link" id="" href="" target="_top" data-uid="67b77b7922fd2">
        A link
    'href' => ''
    A link

Blade component parameters

Key Default value Type Available values Description
componentElement span string - -
slot Undefined label string - The content of the link
href string - Where should the link go to?
target _top string - Link target attribute. Default is _top. Allowed values are _blank, _self, _parent or _top.
keepContent true boolean - If link is empty, should we show content anyways? Prints the content wrazpped by a span element.
keepWrapper true boolean - If link is empty and keepContent is true, should we keep the span added by keepContent? If false, it will print the content without any wrapping element.
xfn false boolean - Relation to the link (ex. nofollow)
id string - The DOM id of the component.
classList [] array - Array containing wrapping classes array
attributeList [] array - Array containing keys and values rendered as attributes
containerAware false boolean true/false Makes the component container aware. Appends modifiers --size--xs/sm/md/lg to the component.
Settings location: /var/www/webroot/ROOT/vendor/helsingborg-stad/component-library/source/php/Component/Link/link.json